Revenue confirmed that eligible businesses will be able to make a claim for payment under the Covid Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS) from tomorrow, Tuesday 17 November 2020.


A qualifying person who carries on a business activity from a premises located in a region that is subject to Covid-19 related restrictions can make a claim for payment under the CRSS if:

  • the business is required to prohibit or considerably restrict customers from accessing its premises under the Covid restrictions,
  • the weekly turnover from the relevant business activity in the claim period will be no more than 25% of the average weekly turnover in 2019 (or in the case of a business activity which commenced on or after 26 December 2019, the average weekly turnover of the business in 2020), 
  • the eligible business has tax clearance for the relevant claim period and intends to resume trading after the Covid restrictions are lifted.

While not required to be submitted with a claim, supporting documentation to demonstrate eligibility should be retained as Revenue may request such information to substantiate CRSS entitlement at a later date.

Making a claim

A claim portal for the CRSS will be available via the eRepayments system on ROS from tomorrow. It will only be possible to make a claim if the eligible business has an ‘active’ CRSS registration. Eligible businesses who have not yet registered for the scheme can do so via the e-Registration facility in ROS before submitting a claim. 

Under the CRSS, a qualifying person who meets the eligibility criteria of the scheme can make a payment claim to Revenue for each week that it is affected by Covid restrictions. The weekly payment will be calculated by reference to the average weekly turnover for 2019 (or 2020 in the case of a business which commenced trading on or after 26 December 2019) in respect of the relevant business activity as follows:  

  • 10% of average weekly turnover up to €20,000,
  • 5% of average weekly turnover in excess of €20,000 
  • and
  • subject to a maximum of €5,000 per week.

From tomorrow, eligible businesses will be able to make a claim for the current Covid-19 restrictive period up to 1 December 2020. The date from which a claim can be made will be determined by the level of restrictions in place in the specific geographical location(s) during October. Therefore, the maximum claim period for the current restrictive period runs from 13 October, the date the scheme was announced, to 1 December. One payment will be made in respect of the current restrictive period, generally within 3 days of the submission of a qualifying claim.

This means, for example, that if an eligible business was affected by Level 3 restrictions announced by the Government in early October 2020, it can make a claim for a payment for an 8-week period from 13 October to 1 December. If the business was due a weekly payment of €2,500 based on average weekly turnover for 2019, it will receive a payment of €20,000 (i.e. €2,500 x 8) generally within 3 days of submitting the claim.

For any future restricted periods, a business will be required to reassess its eligibility for the scheme. Once eligibility is satisfied, the business can make a claim for the expected restrictive period, in blocks of up to 3 weeks.

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Duis nec porttitor ante, sit amet mollis purus. In dictum ipsum pretium laoreet elementum. Pellentesque vestibulum felis sodales massa bibendum suscipit. Curabitur ut nulla malesuada, feugiat justo eget, consectetur sapien. Quisque turpis velit, imperdiet vel tempor at, blandit vel diam. Duis scelerisque metus dolor, id consectetur arcu pretium at. Nullam in enim vitae sem hendrerit consectetur. Ut venenatis odio non finibus volutpat. Mauris blandit porta volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vel dignissim nisl, eu laoreet urna. In convallis cursus lobortis. Phasellus rutrum sollicitudin auctor. Curabitur in est vel leo posuere tristique at sed neque. Nam tellus dolor, ultricies non egestas a, viverra sit amet lorem. Cras luctus, odio vitae consequat condimentum, enim est rhoncus turpis, sit amet sollicitudin mauris massa sit amet mi. Mauris vel condimentum justo. Donec vel metus ex. Praesent eleifend ultrices metus, malesuada hendrerit dolor volutpat a.

Phasellus ac convallis ligula. Ut porta purus eget consectetur consectetur. Sed vitae faucibus lectus. Pellentesque vitae dui risus. Phasellus pretium et metus non vulputate. Vivamus porttitor sit amet massa vitae pellentesque. Morbi id libero fringilla, scelerisque erat vestibulum, faucibus eros. Aenean maximus turpis sed diam varius porta. Pellentesque mattis tortor vitae fermentum semper. Donec pulvinar nibh mauris, nec finibus elit eleifend quis. Fusce tempor auctor ex sit amet finibus. Cras nec sem sit amet mi aliquam vulputate at et mauris. Nunc eget vehicula massa.

Sed eget diam congue, ullamcorper dolor sed, ullamcorper diam. Donec semper risus in velit venenatis suscipit. Curabitur semper lobortis efficitur. Mauris dapibus, nibh sed imperdiet efficitur, lacus diam maximus urna, sit amet placerat tortor odio id justo. In urna enim, maximus vel sapien in, vehicula hendrerit ante. Mauris condimentum diam vitae lectus accumsan, nec gravida leo iaculis. In ut arcu quis magna sagittis mattis. Nunc efficitur enim in ante pellentesque tincidunt. Nunc maximus fringilla libero in finibus. Mauris iaculis augue eget elit iaculis blandit. Donec eget vestibulum risus, quis hendrerit quam. Duis iaculis ut mi a vestibulum.