Annual Accounts
Taxation Services
Payroll Services

Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (TBESS) ➜ Enhancements to the TBESS
Enhancements to the TBESS A number of enhancements have been made to the Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (TBESS). The enhancements are as follows: the extension of the scheme to 31 May 2023an increase in the monthly limit on payments for claim...
Revenue reminds businesses and self-assessed taxpayers of the availability of debt warehousing
Revenue has this week written to over 100,000 taxpayers confirming that their tax debts totaling €2.2 billion are eligible for Debt Warehousing. The Debt Warehousing Scheme allows VAT and PAYE (Employer) debts incurred by businesses during the period of restricted...
Revenue confirm eligible businesses can make a claim under CRSS
Revenue confirmed that eligible businesses will be able to make a claim for payment under the Covid Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS) from tomorrow, Tuesday 17 November 2020. Eligibility A qualifying person who carries on a business activity from a premises located...
Moycastle Accountants Ltd. T/A Paul Finnerty & Co. Chartered Certified Accountants & Tax Advisors | Paul Finnerty Director FCCA, AITI, Karen Bourke Director
Registered office – 40 Castle Court, Ballina, Co. Mayo. | Company number – 681058 | Registered In Ireland